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TuneBite Plantium Edition

TuneBite Plantium Edition

Windows | 12 Mb | English
Tired of being limited by DRM copy-protection formats? Tunebite Premium for ********* Windows records your copy-protected music and audio book files (WMA, M4P, AA and M4B formats) as they are being played and saves the recordings as unprotected audio files (MP3, OGG and WMA formats) you can use anywhere. Fully automatic or running in manual mode, Tunebite Premium frees you from the hassles of copy protection without defeating the DRM copy-protection technology used by your audio files. This means it will function with all copy-protection measures, and it's completely legal

Getting the most out of your copy-protected music has never been easier!Tunebite Premium automatically plays and records music tracks at ultra-High-Speed (speed is processor dependant) with High-Speed Digital Dubbing. Using batch operation, you can record large volumes of copy-protected audio files in parallel in top digital quality. Tunebite Premium also lets you define multiple incoming music folders. With the click of a button, Tunebite checks the content of these folders and records only the music tracks that have not yet been processed. And while you're recording, Tunebite even lets you listen to other music, independent from the sound card on your machine. Normalization and configuration of the recording level and device are completely automatic.

Tunebite Premium automatically plays and records music tracks at ultra-High-Speed Using batch operation, you can record large volumes of copy-protected audio files in parallel in top digital quality. Tunebite Premium also lets you define multiple incoming music folders. With the click of a button, Tunebite checks the content of these folders and records only the music tracks that have not yet been processed. And while you're recording, Tunebite even lets you listen to other music, independent from the sound card on your machine. Normalization and configuration of the recording level and device are completely automatic.

اعتبره البرنامج الأفضل لعام 2008 من ناحية تحويل صيغ الأغاني والنغمات وكذلك تحويل الفيديوات ..احدى مزاياه , اضافة كلمات الأغاني للأغنية.تقليص حجم الأغنية من 6 ميجابايت الى 3 ميجابايت
تحسين المؤثرات الخاصة مثل Bass وجعل الأغنية تظهر
بشكل جميل جدا وافضل من السابق , كما لو كنت مركب SubWoofer
قمت بتجربة البرنامج وهو شغال100% ,, حجم البرنامج 24 ميجابايت



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